A downloadable game

This game was made for an integrated project for class. This game was made by 3 people, and I will put their Rookies profile if you want to visit their profile:

- Carles (Me): Programmer - Carles Andrés Sanz

- Jose: 2D Artist - jadm5598

- Miguel Angel: 2D Artist and Animator - yemavin


- WASD: Move

- Up Arrow: Jump

- Throw fireballs: Space

- Telekinesis: Q for ward off / E for push

This game is about a innocent prisoner who has to escape the prisson where he is, and for that, he has to defeat some enemies with his magic, which is basically throw fire and use telekinesis.

I hope you like it.

Published 24 days ago
Tags2D, Aseprite, Pixel Art, Unity


Unchained_buil.zip 45 MB

Install instructions

Install the ZIP

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